Saturday, November 6, 2010

Happy 5th Anniversary Super Junior!!
Knowing that this journey is not easy..
no matter what happen,
I will always walk down together with YOU(SuperJunior)!
I will always be there for YOU(SuperJunior)!
Super Junior Hwaiting! ♥

I am really really very touched by this.
Esp when I heard he say
"If you post on my facebook now, i can't read it out. Because now i might be already on the plane."
i cried after i heard this.
thank you.. thank you for your effort.
you make the effort to record all this before u fly off for your holiday with *ahem*.
really thank you very much.
Most importantly is you still remember the timeline that I told u the other day!
This show that our effort is not wasted.
you did remember us
you do what you promise us
Once again, thank you very much!

Love you always!

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