Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy 2011!!
HELLO 2011~!

hahaha! i really going around telling people this! (pointing at above sentance)
you know why i love this sentance so much? hehe~! ^^

2010 was a meaningful year for me seriously.
learn and see alot of new things,
get to know lots of new friends and ELFs.

Memories of 2010 was far too much for me to mention here..

The best gift i receive in year 2010 was ..
HanGeng's Fansign, Fanmeet, T-shirt, Poster.
This is really the happiest month in 2010 for me.
Thanks MengChen for the hangeng album as birthday present,
and also she bring me to hangeng's fansign and fanmeet,
and also helping me get the FREE fanmeet poster!
Thanks ken for the T-shirt! =D

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