Saturday, May 26, 2012

Meet up with 李腾

Meet up with 李腾

To meet him up or not, I've been thinking about this for very long.
I'm given this chance, and yet I'm going to let it go?
I keep asking myself, will I regret if I don't go.
Finally, I decided to go.
But I must really thanks Yvonne to go together with me.

First time meet up with Yvonne Koh.
She is the friend I met on weibo.
Surprisingly we no need to break the ice, the moment we saw each other, we talk non stop.
We went to have lunch together.
After that a slow walk to the meeting place.

The meet up location at first was at Marina Square bowling center.
After that they last minute change to kallang leisure park.
The moment I heard them say change to Leisure Park,
I really can feel my heart is abit lighter.
Maybe is because there is a place I know better compare to Marina Square.

Suspose to meet at 2pm, but due to last minute change of venue,
We reach leisure park at around 2.30pm
Is really lucky that I ask yvoone alone.
She know so many of them (fans) there!

李腾 is really always late. Haha! His habit :p
No wonder his friend will say "If u meet him at 7pm, You can leave house at 7pm."
He reach at around 3pm.
We were like at the middle of the bowling center.
When he walk in and stand there saying hi to all of us.
There is a groups of girls at our right side (more of corner) suddenly all turn and face us with hand holding camera.
hahaha! I will never forget this moment in my life.

He play 2 set of games, after that we celebrate his birthday with him.
I could say that the birthday celebration is not really a "secret" , as it's really too obvious.
Sing him a birthday song, make a wish and cut the cake.
After that we having groups photos follow by solo photo taking time.
This is what I hoping for! Photo taking time!
After taking picture with me, he ask my name.
Maybe because I'm new? And he doesn't see before..
After taking photo, I was telling yvonne "can he sign for me?"
Yvonne ask me to go ask him, But... I shy! hahaha!

He went to the seat and took a bag and ask everyone to take one each.
He is giving us gift!
He is giving us the lanyard that I always wanted to buy!
but due to too expensive hence I didn't buy.
There is 2 colour, Black and Red
And I got the red one ^^

After that when he finished giving and return to his seat,
guess what we saw, someone pass him a book and ask him sign.
How can I miss out this chance! Lucky i bring along my note book today.
For me, thats the only time for one to one session.
I request him to write my name. hehe!
He doesn't know my name so I got to tell him which chinese character.
So this is the "one to one" talking time to me. Get it? haha!
He ask me a few questions and I was focus looking at his writing hence my reply was not very long.
After that some of the people need to go off, and he haven't eat lunch so he asked us want to join him or not.
Not much people joining, total of 8 (included him and his assistance)
We went to the food court together.

He asking everyone what we want to drink and he gonna treat us.
So nice of him.
I didn't order as i'm really very full.
I was kind of uncomfortable of the sitting.
Me, Yvonne, LiTeng and his assistance seating together at one table.
While the other 4 of them (admin and friends) at another table.
Shouldn't be the admin sitting with him?
But they doesn't mind and say "that is VIP table, you all can go ahead and sit there."
How nice they are!
But seriously, really thanks alot for the chances. 感恩.
We sit there and chat. But I didn't talk much..

After he finish, before they left, I asked him "Big Bang confirm coming singapore for concert, will you go?"
He ask me when and I told him date not set yet.
Look like chances he going is high. And he asking who the organizer and he want get good seat from them. hahaha! So cute!
After that he went off with a bye to everyone.
And we farewell with the admin and friends too.

It was only around 4pm.
Me and Yvonne continue to have a walk at leisure park,
When to arcade, after that go to coffee bean sit down and she drink coffee.
A slow walk back to station. We both were so tired.
On the train while heading to marina, we both were happily taking photos together. hehehe!
Seriously, front camera take photo will look nicer!
Alright, I shall stop here. I shall write in full details on my personal dairy :)
Those want see pictures, can go to my facebook or instagram :)
Hope to see him soon again!!

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