Sunday, January 20, 2013

Ragnarok Online II - Alone

I'm playing RO2 @ Sea Server.
Actually at first I wasn't so into this game.
I never though that I'll try out this game and spending so much time on it.
Reason why I play this game is actually because of someone.
I was hoping to play a game together with this friend of mine.
I know this friend of mine is playing this game.
So I decided to try my luck to see if I could meet this friend of mine in game.

I started this game ALONE.
Playing alone without knowing how this game is being played.
Totally don't know anything.
On my half way through, I met some nice people.
We play together as a party, kill mobs together and having fun together almost every night in game.
But I never forget the reason why I started this game.

Here is some screenshot of my character and with those friends I met in game :)

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