Saturday, March 30, 2013

Kuantan Day 2

#throwback 30-March-2013

Meeting Keegan and cousin at 7am for breakfast.
Nothing special, Toasted bread, Hashbrown, Sausages, Cake, Fried Noodle, Tea for breakfast @ The Ritz Grill right beside the lobby of the hotel.

8am, the day just started!
Wanted to sit my dad car to kamaman but cousin say "你爸不熟悉路跟车很麻烦。"
But I'm so scared I will 晕车 again.
After that I realise it's a MPV! Okay la, MPV I won't 晕车.
It's so true that I can only sit MPV. Ha! Ha!

There is a coffee shop at kamaman that is very famous, 
With very nice coffee/tea and kueh.
We reach there at 9.15am++
Sadly it's too late and it's already full house and most of the kueh were sold out :(

So we continue travel to the cemetery.
We reach there around, the SUN is already out! It's so HOT!

After praying, we went to a last time grandparents neighbour's house.
I don't know who they are, but my cousin know all of them! Even my dad don't know them too.
Cousin told us that he know them is because last time my grandmother always bring him here.

Here is some pictures of the place we at. It's just 2 row of houses. They name this place 华人新村.

This uncle's 排骨酥 is very famous.
We never fail to order from him every year.
But he stopped doing it for years and now his brother is back to help him with the 排骨酥.

Before frying the 排骨酥

 Look at their kitchen, the way they cook, hardly found in Singapore.

This is their kitchen. The olden days kitchen which we can't find in Singapore any more.

Freshly out from the oil!

Our order, 52 packets of 排骨酥

After collecting and exploring the kampong, cousin know I want to go Seaside, and yes! he bring me to the seaside!

Sitting beside the sea at a "cafe" enjoying the coconut drink and keropok

This keropok damn nice. Not what we found in Singapore. You can really taste the fish!


Nothing more happy than having this sea right in front of me.

For Lunch, again late lunch, 2pm++ we went to a hainanese restaurant.
Eating 海南菜.

海南面,海南豆腐,Stuffed Crab and I forgot the name for that prawn :x (Photo by Keegan)

After that went back to kuantan and drop a visit to another cousin's shop at kuantan.
Dinner @ The Ritz Grill
难得一次的聚餐, It has been a long time since we whole family (kuantan's side) sit down and have dinner together.
We separate into 2 tables, Adults at one, Children at one.
Of coz I'm sitting at the children side together with keegan, we are both children! :p

(Photo by Keegan)

That's the end of our Day 2. Tml we are going back to Singapore already. 好舍不得哦 :(

Friday, March 29, 2013

Kuantan Day 1

#throwback 29-March-2013

Wake up at 4am and left house at 5am to woodland checkpoint.
Morning is never easy for me.
I always feel so giddy in the car especially in the morning.
6 hours of travelling time from JB to Kuantan.
Not included the jam at checkpoint!
The Journey began.

Dim Sum for breakfast.

Again, I'm so giddy until I can't take any food.
I just have a cup of Milo.
The above photo can't make it.
I seriously don't have the energy and mood to take nice picture due to the giddiness.

The First Stop (Toilet break) - MERSING!
I always fail here. Finally, I can't endure and throw out everything!
I remember last year at this stop I vomited, this year also.
The road from Kota Tinggi to Mersing, I always can't make it.
It's a nightmare to me. It make me so giddy until I vomited.
Definitely, after throw out everything, I feel much better.
Nice sea view, but sorry no photo, because I'm still half sick.
Mersing is always full of tourist because it's the place where they sit boat over to Tioman Island.
I never been to Tioman Island before, but I goggle it before.
It's also a nice place for holiday. I wish to go there one day. :)

Second Stop - ROMPIN!
Another toilet break. For my dad is more of a leg resting time for him.
Everytime when we reach this stop my dad will say "到Rompin咯!"
I don't have much memory at this place.
Because after Mersing, I will fall asleep all the way until Rompin :)

Third Stop - PEKAN!
Everytime when we reach here, we will be damn happy, because we know we reaching kuantan soon!
My dad always say "要到kuantan了咯!"
Same thing, not much memory, is just a toilet break.

It's nearly 2.30pm and we just reach kuantan!
We haven't even had our lunch yet!
The first thing we do when we reach kuantan is to go to the market,
and get the food we need to pray for tml 上山.
Also buy our lunch.
After that Check-in hotel.
SEASON VIEW standard one.
Not a 5-star hotel. But, not bad, because it's new, clean and comfortable.
My dad don't like spend much money on hotel.
He always tell my sis this, "we come here is to walk around not to ask you stay in hotel whole day. You want stay 5-star, go back Singapore MBS stay one night."
By the time we check in is already 3pm++

Some picture of the room, kinda small, but bigger than last year.

The Toilet! I love it so much! Because it's so bright and big! I'm most scared of those "dark" and small toilet, and my dad used the toilet before letting me took a picture.

One thing bad about this hotel, no table.
Only one make-up table with a big TV used up half of the table.
So we have to eat in this way.

                                                MY FAVOURITE FOOD - LOK LOK!

This Lok-Lok in kuantan is the best.
I have try once at malacca, and it doesn't taste as good as this one at kuantan market.
It's a must try if you happen to be at Kuantan market.
I think is because of their chilli, I don't know why but this one just taste much better.
And the most happiest thing for me is, WI-FI!

Resting and enjoy my wi-fi all the way until 7pm, dinner with Cousin Heng.
Went to a restaurant, everytime we go kuantan they sure bring us to restaurant.
Actually we prefer street food.
After dinner, Go back hotel lor. Boring right.

Waiting for Keegan to reach kuantan. They coming down from KL.
They reach at 10pm+ so late!
My dad told them meet 7am tml at ground floor for breakfast,
Actually should be 6am, my dad scared they not enough sleep so make it a bit later for them.
Yes, we staying in same hotel, I can't wait to see Keegan!